SwiftUI contentView Doesn’t Rerender After Binding Object Has Changed Its State Variable: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Annamaria - hkhazo.biz.id

SwiftUI contentView Doesn’t Rerender After Binding Object Has Changed Its State Variable: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you stuck with a puzzling issue in SwiftUI where your contentView refuses to rerender even after the Binding object has changed its State variable? Worry not, dear developer, for you’re not alone in this plight. In this exhaustive guide, we’ll delve into the heart of this problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide you with actionable solutions to overcome this hurdle.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first grasp the underlying issue. When you create a Binding object in SwiftUI, it’s meant to bridge the gap between your UI and the underlying data model. However, when the State variable tied to the Binding object changes, the contentView might not rerender as expected.

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var isSelected: Bool = false
    let binding = Binding(get: { isSelected }, set: { isSelected = $0 })

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Selection")
        .background(isSelected ? Color.red : Color.green)

In the above code snippet, when you tap the button, the isSelected State variable changes, but the contentView doesn’t rerender, leaving the background color unchanged.

Reasons Behind the Issue

So, why does this problem occur? There are a few reasons for this behavior:

  1. Lack of Observability**: The Binding object is not observing the changes to the State variable. SwiftUI relies on the @State property wrapper to detect changes, but in this case, the Binding object is not tied to the @State property directly.
  2. Incorrect Usage of Binding**: The Binding object is not being used correctly, leading to the UI not being notified of the changes to the State variable.
  3. Incorrect Implementation of the View**: The View implementation might not be correctly handling the changes to the State variable, preventing the rerendering of the contentView.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the reasons behind the issue, let’s explore the solutions:

Solution 1: Using @State with Binding Correctly

The first solution is to ensure you’re using the @State property wrapper correctly with the Binding object. Update your code as follows:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var isSelected: Bool = false

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Selection")
        .background(isSelected ? Color.red : Color.green)

In this revised code, the @State property wrapper is used directly with the isSelected variable, ensuring that SwiftUI detects the changes and rerenders the contentView accordingly.

Solution 2: Using an ObservableObject

Another approach is to use an ObservableObject to manage the State variable. Create a separate class to hold the State variable and make it an ObservableObject:

class SelectionModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var isSelected: Bool = false

struct MyView: View {
    @ObservedObject var model = SelectionModel()

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Selection")
        .background(model.isSelected ? Color.red : Color.green)

In this solution, the SelectionModel class holds the isSelected State variable and is marked as an ObservableObject. The @ObservedObject property wrapper is used in the MyView struct to bind the model to the view. When the isSelected variable changes, the view will rerender automatically.

Solution 3: Using a Custom Binding

If you still want to use a Binding object, you can create a custom Binding that observes the State variable correctly. Here’s an example:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var isSelected: Bool = false
    let binding: Binding {
        Binding(get: { isSelected }, set: { isSelected = $0 })

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Selection")
        .background(binding.wrappedValue ? Color.red : Color.green)

In this solution, a custom Binding object is created that observes the isSelected State variable. When the Binding object is used in the view, SwiftUI detects the changes and rerenders the contentView correctly.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When working with Binding objects and State variables, it’s essential to avoid the following common pitfalls:

  • Not using @State or @ObservedObject correctly**: Make sure you’re using the correct property wrapper for your State variable or ObservableObject.
  • Incorrect implementation of the view**: Double-check your view implementation to ensure it’s handling the changes to the State variable correctly.
  • Not observing the State variable changes**: Verify that your Binding object or ObservableObject is correctly observing the changes to the State variable.


In conclusion, SwiftUI’s Binding object and State variable can be a powerful combination for creating dynamic and interactive UIs. However, when not used correctly, they can lead to frustrating issues like the contentView not rerendering. By understanding the reasons behind the problem and applying the solutions outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating seamless and responsive SwiftUI apps.

Solution Description
Using @State with Binding Correctly Use the @State property wrapper directly with the Binding object to ensure correct observability.
Using an ObservableObject Use an ObservableObject to manage the State variable and bind it to the view using @ObservedObject.
Using a Custom Binding Create a custom Binding object that observes the State variable correctly and use it in the view.

By following these solutions and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be able to overcome the hurdle of the contentView not rerendering after the Binding object has changed its State variable. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why your SwiftUI contentView is being stubborn and not rerendering after the Binding object changes its State variable!

Why doesn’t my SwiftUI contentView rerender when the Binding object changes its State variable?

This is a classic gotcha! SwiftUI only rerenders when the `@State` property wrapper is used on a property that is a value type, like a `struct`. If you’re using a reference type, like a `class`, SwiftUI won’t detect the change. Make sure to use `@State` with a value type or use `@ObservedObject` or `@EnvironmentObject` with a reference type.

I’m using a Binding object, but the view still doesn’t rerender. What’s going on?

Check if you’re accidentally creating a new Binding instance every time the view is rendered. This can happen if you’re creating the Binding in the view’s body or in a computed property. Move the Binding creation to a place where it’s only created once, like in the view’s initializer or in a separate model.

I’ve tried everything, but my view still doesn’t rerender. What’s the deal?

SwiftUI has a clever optimization that can sometimes get in the way: the `_xy` view cache. Try adding the `.id(UUID())` modifier to your view to give it a unique identity. This can help SwiftUI detect changes to the view’s state and rerender it correctly.

How can I debug this issue? Are there any tools that can help?

Yes! Xcode has a built-in feature called “View Debugger” that can help you inspect your view hierarchy and see what’s going on. You can also use the `print` function to log changes to your state variables and see if they’re being updated correctly. Additionally, you can use a third-party library like SwiftUI Inspector to get more insights into your view’s state.

Are there any best practices to avoid this issue in the future?

Yes! Follow these best practices to avoid this issue: use `@State` with value types, create Bindings in a place where they’re only created once, use `.id(UUID())` to give your views a unique identity, and always debug your views using Xcode’s built-in tools or third-party libraries. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a SwiftUI master!