React-Native: SafeAreaView Not Working in Modal – Solved!
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React-Native: SafeAreaView Not Working in Modal – Solved!

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When developing a React-Native application, you might have come across the issue of SafeAreaView not working as expected in a Modal component. This can be frustrating, especially when trying to ensure that your app’s layout is compatible with different screen sizes and devices.

The Problem

In React-Native, the SafeAreaView component is designed to render content within the safe area of a device’s screen. However, when using it inside a Modal component, it may not work as intended. The SafeAreaView may not fill the entire screen or may not respond to changes in the screen’s dimensions.

Why is this happening?

This issue occurs because the Modal component in React-Native has its own layout and styling, which can override the SafeAreaView’s behavior. By default, the Modal component takes up the entire screen, making it difficult for the SafeAreaView to work correctly.

The Solution

Fortunately, there are a few ways to overcome this issue. Here are two possible solutions:

Solution 1: Use a View with flex: 1

One way to resolve this issue is to wrap the SafeAreaView with a View component that has a flex value of 1. This will allow the SafeAreaView to fill the entire screen, even when inside a Modal.

  • Replace your code with the following:
  <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <!-- Your content here -->

Solution 2: Use the SafeAreaView with a custom style

Another approach is to apply a custom style to the SafeAreaView that takes into account the Modal’s layout. You can do this by setting the top, bottom, left, and right props to 0, and then using the flex: 1 style to fill the remaining space.

  • Replace your code with the following:
  <SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1, top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }}>
    <!-- Your content here -->


In conclusion, the SafeAreaView not working in a Modal issue in React-Native can be resolved by using one of the two solutions provided above. By wrapping the SafeAreaView with a View component or applying a custom style, you can ensure that your app’s layout is compatible with different screen sizes and devices.

Remember to test your app thoroughly to ensure that the solution you choose works as expected on different devices and screen sizes.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with SafeAreaView not working in Modal in React-Native? Worry not, we’ve got you covered!

Why doesn’t SafeAreaView work in Modal?

The reason SafeAreaView doesn’t work as expected in Modal is that Modal has its own view hierarchy, which can interfere with the SafeAreaView’s calculations. To fix this, you need to wrap your Modal’s content with a View that has a flex of 1, ensuring the SafeAreaView container has the correct dimensions.

How do I wrap my Modal’s content with a View?

You can wrap your Modal’s content with a View like this:

This way, the SafeAreaView will have the correct dimensions to function properly.

Will this wrapping affect my Modal’s layout?

Nope! Wrapping your Modal’s content with a View won’t affect the layout. The flex: 1 style ensures the View takes up the entire available space, so your Modal’s content will still be displayed as expected.

What if I’m using a library component for my Modal?

If you’re using a library component for your Modal, such as `react-native-modal`, you might need to dig into the component’s documentation to find the correct way to wrap the content. Some libraries might provide a built-in way to achieve this, while others might require a custom solution.

Can I use SafeAreaView with other React-Native components?

Absolutely! SafeAreaView is a generic component that can be used with various React-Native components, including ScrollView, FlatList, and more. Just remember to follow the same wrapping principle to ensure it works correctly.

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