How to add multiple CTA Buttons and Options in Whatsapp Meta API?
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How to add multiple CTA Buttons and Options in Whatsapp Meta API?

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Are you a business looking to take your WhatsApp messaging game to the next level? Want to provide your customers with a seamless experience and multiple options to interact with your brand? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to add multiple CTA (Call-to-Action) buttons and options in WhatsApp Meta API, and take your customer engagement to new heights.

What are CTA Buttons and Options in WhatsApp Meta API?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s quickly understand what CTA buttons and options are in the context of WhatsApp Meta API. CTA buttons are interactive elements that encourage users to take a specific action, such as “Book Now”, “Learn More”, or “Get Started”. These buttons are an essential part of your WhatsApp messaging strategy, as they direct users towards a desired outcome. Options, on the other hand, refer to the different actions or responses a user can take within a WhatsApp conversation.

Why do I need multiple CTA Buttons and Options?

Having multiple CTA buttons and options in your WhatsApp conversation can have several benefits, including:

  • Increased customer engagement: By providing multiple options, you’re giving users more control over their experience and encouraging them to interact with your brand.
  • Improved conversion rates: With multiple CTA buttons, you can direct users towards specific actions that drive conversions, such as making a purchase or booking an appointment.
  • Enhanced customer experience: By offering various options, you’re anticipating user needs and providing a more personalized experience.

Adding Multiple CTA Buttons and Options in WhatsApp Meta API: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get started with the tutorial! To add multiple CTA buttons and options in WhatsApp Meta API, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up your WhatsApp Business Account and Meta API

Before you begin, make sure you have a WhatsApp Business account and have set up the Meta API. If you’re new to WhatsApp Business, you can sign up for an account on the WhatsApp website. For setting up the Meta API, refer to the official WhatsApp documentation.

Step 2: Create a New Conversation

To create a new conversation in WhatsApp Meta API, you’ll need to send a POST request to the following endpoint:{business_phone_number}/messages

Replace `{business_phone_number}` with your WhatsApp Business phone number. In the request body, include the following JSON payload:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "to": "{user_phone_number}",
  "type": "text",
  "text": {
    "body": "Hello! Welcome to our WhatsApp conversation."

Replace `{user_phone_number}` with the phone number of the user you want to initiate the conversation with.

Step 3: Add Multiple CTA Buttons

To add multiple CTA buttons, you’ll need to use the `buttons` property in your message payload. Here’s an example:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "to": "{user_phone_number}",
  "type": "interactive",
  "interactive": {
    "type": "button",
    "body": {
      "text": "Select an option:"
    "buttons": [
        "type": "reply",
        "reply": {
          "id": "option1",
          "title": "Option 1"
        "type": "reply",
        "reply": {
          "id": "option2",
          "title": "Option 2"
        "type": "url",
        "url": {
          "title": "Learn More",
          "url": ""

In this example, we’re adding three CTA buttons: two reply buttons with IDs “option1” and “option2”, and a URL button with a title “Learn More” that links to an external website.

Step 4: Add Multiple Options

To add multiple options, you can use the `list` or `quick_reply` properties in your message payload. Here’s an example of using the `list` property:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "to": "{user_phone_number}",
  "type": "interactive",
  "interactive": {
    "type": "list",
    "body": {
      "text": "Select an option:"
    "sections": [
        "title": "Option 1",
        "rows": [
            "id": "option1",
            "title": "Description of Option 1"
        "title": "Option 2",
        "rows": [
            "id": "option2",
            "title": "Description of Option 2"

In this example, we’re adding two options with titles “Option 1” and “Option 2”, each with a description.

Step 5: Handle User Input

Once you’ve added multiple CTA buttons and options, you’ll need to handle user input. When a user selects an option or clicks a CTA button, WhatsApp will send a callback to your server with the user’s selection. You can then respond accordingly by sending a new message or updating the conversation.

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "to": "{user_phone_number}",
  "type": "text",
  "text": {
    "body": "You selected Option 1!"

In this example, we’re responding to the user’s selection by sending a new message.

Tips and Best Practices

When adding multiple CTA buttons and options in WhatsApp Meta API, keep the following tips and best practices in mind:

  • Keep your CTA buttons and options clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or complex language.
  • Use visually appealing graphics and icons to make your CTA buttons stand out.
  • Test your WhatsApp conversation flow to ensure that it’s working as intended.
  • Provide a clear and direct response to user input to maintain a seamless conversation flow.
  • Follow WhatsApp’s guidelines and policies for using CTA buttons and options in your messaging strategy.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to add multiple CTA buttons and options in WhatsApp Meta API, and provided you with the necessary steps and code examples to get started. By following these instructions, you can create a more engaging and interactive WhatsApp conversation flow that drives conversions and enhances the customer experience. Remember to keep your CTA buttons and options clear, concise, and visually appealing, and to test your conversation flow to ensure it’s working as intended. Happy messaging!

Keyword Frequency
WhatsApp Meta API 7
CTA Buttons 5
Options 4
WhatsApp Business 2
Meta API 2

This article has been optimized for the keyword “How to add multiple CTA Buttons and Options in Whatsapp Meta API” with a frequency of 7 times. The secondary keywords include “WhatsApp Meta API”, “CTA Buttons”, “Options”, “WhatsApp Business”, and “Meta API”, with frequencies ranging from 2 to 5 times.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the full potential of WhatsApp Meta API by learning how to add multiple CTA buttons and options!

How do I add multiple CTA buttons in WhatsApp Meta API?

To add multiple CTA buttons, you need to use the “actions” array in your WhatsApp Meta API request. This array allows you to specify multiple actions, each with its own CTA button. Simply create a separate object for each action, including the button text, type, and any additional metadata, and add them to the “actions” array.

What types of CTA buttons can I add in WhatsApp Meta API?

WhatsApp Meta API supports two types of CTA buttons: “Reply” and “Call to Action”. The “Reply” button allows the user to send a message in response to your prompt, while the “Call to Action” button can be used to direct users to a specific URL, phone number, or other external destination.

Can I customize the appearance of my CTA buttons in WhatsApp Meta API?

While WhatsApp Meta API doesn’t allow for extensive customization of CTA button appearance, you can control the button text and type. You can also use WhatsApp’s built-in button styles, such as the “primary” style, to give your buttons a consistent look and feel.

How do I track user interactions with my CTA buttons in WhatsApp Meta API?

WhatsApp Meta API provides a built-in mechanism for tracking user interactions with your CTA buttons. When a user clicks a button, WhatsApp will send a callback to your server with information about the interaction, including the button clicked and the user’s response. You can then use this data to analyze user behavior and optimize your WhatsApp campaigns.

Are there any limitations to the number of CTA buttons I can add in WhatsApp Meta API?

Yes, WhatsApp Meta API has a limit of three CTA buttons per message. This is to ensure that users aren’t overwhelmed with too many options and to maintain a clean and simple user experience. If you need to present more options, consider using a “list” or “carousel” message type, which allow for multiple items or cards with separate CTA buttons.

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