Unpacking Template Parameters: Can We Use a Modified Version of a Class Template Parameter Pack in a Member Template?
Image by Annamaria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unpacking Template Parameters: Can We Use a Modified Version of a Class Template Parameter Pack in a Member Template?

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If you’re familiar with C++ templates, you know that they can be both powerful and perplexing. One of the most mind-bending aspects of templates is parameter packs, which allow us to define a variable number of template arguments. But what happens when we try to use a modified version of a class template parameter pack in a member template? Can we even do that? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of template metaprogramming and explore the possibilities.

The Basics: Template Parameter Packs

Before we dive into the modified parameter pack conundrum, let’s quickly review template parameter packs. A template parameter pack is a set of template parameters that can be expanded to a sequence of arguments using the ellipsis operator (…). For example:

template <typename... Args>
class MyClass {
    // parameter pack Args can be expanded to a sequence of arguments

In this example, the template parameter pack `Args` can be expanded to a sequence of arguments using the ellipsis operator. When we instantiate `MyClass`, we can pass a variable number of template arguments, like this:

MyClass<int, float, char> obj;  // Args expands to int, float, char

The Question: Can We Modify a Parameter Pack in a Member Template?

Now that we have a basic understanding of template parameter packs, let’s ask the question: can we use a modified version of a class template parameter pack in a member template? To answer this, we need to understand how member templates work.

A member template is a template defined inside a class or struct. Member templates allow us to define a template that can be instantiated for each instance of the class. For example:

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    template <typename U>
    void myMemberTemplate(U arg) {
        // do something with arg

In this example, `myMemberTemplate` is a member template that can be instantiated for each instance of `MyClass`. But what if we want to use a modified version of the class template parameter pack `Args` in the member template? Can we do something like this:

template <typename... Args>
class MyClass {
    template <typename... ModifiedArgs>
    void myMemberTemplate(ModifiedArgs... args) {
        // do something with args

The Answer: Yes, But With a Twist

Surprisingly, the answer is yes, we can use a modified version of a class template parameter pack in a member template. However, there’s a catch. We can’t simply use the parameter pack `Args` as-is in the member template. Instead, we need to introduce a new parameter pack that will be used to modify the original `Args`.

Here’s an example:

template <typename... Args>
class MyClass {
    template <typename... ModifiedArgs>
    void myMemberTemplate(ModifiedArgs... modifiedArgs) {
        // use modifiedArgs

    // helper function to modify Args
    template <typename... Args>
    auto modifyArgs(Args... args) {
        return decltype(args)...;  // return a new parameter pack

    template <typename... Args>
    void doSomething(Args... args) {
        // use the modified parameter pack

In this example, we define a member template `myMemberTemplate` that takes a new parameter pack `ModifiedArgs`. We also define a helper function `modifyArgs` that takes the original `Args` and returns a new parameter pack. Finally, we use the `modifyArgs` function to modify the original `Args` and pass the result to `myMemberTemplate`.

Practical Applications

So, why would we want to use a modified version of a class template parameter pack in a member template? Here are a few practical applications:

  • Type transformations: We can use a modified parameter pack to transform the original types in some way. For example, we could add a wrapper type or apply a type trait to each type in the original pack.
  • variadic function implementation: We can use a modified parameter pack to implement variadic functions with complex behavior. For example, we could use a modified pack to implement a function that takes a variable number of arguments and performs some operation on each argument.
  • meta-programming: We can use a modified parameter pack to implement meta-programming techniques, such as generating code at compile-time or performing type manipulation.


In conclusion, we can indeed use a modified version of a class template parameter pack in a member template, but it requires some creativity and the introduction of a new parameter pack. By using a helper function to modify the original pack, we can create a new pack that can be used in the member template. This technique opens up new possibilities for type transformations, variadic function implementation, and meta-programming.


  1. Q: Can I use the original parameter pack directly in the member template?

    A: No, you cannot use the original parameter pack directly in the member template. You need to introduce a new parameter pack that will be used to modify the original pack.

  2. Q: How do I modify the original parameter pack?

    A: You can modify the original parameter pack using a helper function that takes the original pack and returns a new pack. The helper function can apply transformations to the original types or perform other operations as needed.

  3. Q: Can I use this technique with other types of templates?

    A: Yes, this technique can be applied to other types of templates, such as function templates or variable templates. However, the syntax and implementation details may vary depending on the type of template.

Parameter Pack Modified Parameter Pack
Args ModifiedArgs
typename… Args typename… ModifiedArgs

Note: The above table summarizes the relationship between the original parameter pack `Args` and the modified parameter pack `ModifiedArgs`.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about template metaprogramming and parameter packs, here are some recommended resources:

We hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide to using modified parameter packs in member templates. Remember to keep experimenting and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with C++ templates!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on using modified class template parameter packs in members templates!

Can I modify a class template parameter pack and use it in a member template?

Yes, you can! But with some caveats. You need to ensure that the modified parameter pack is a valid template parameter list, and that the member template is defined in a way that doesn’t conflict with the original parameter pack.

What happens if I try to use an unmodified parameter pack in a member template?

You’ll get a compiler error! The member template needs to be defined in terms of the class template’s parameters, so you can’t use the original parameter pack as-is. You need to modify it to fit the member template’s requirements.

Can I use a modified parameter pack in a member template with a different number of parameters?

Yes, but be careful! If the modified parameter pack has a different number of parameters, you’ll need to ensure that the member template is defined in a way that accommodates the new parameter count. Otherwise, you’ll get a compiler error.

What if I want to use a modified parameter pack in multiple member templates?

No problem! As long as you define each member template in terms of the modified parameter pack, and ensure that the pack is valid for each template, you can use it in as many member templates as you need.

Are there any performance implications when using modified parameter packs in member templates?

Typically, no! Modern compilers are optimized to handle template metaprogramming, so the performance impact of using modified parameter packs in member templates is usually negligible. However, it’s always a good idea to profile your code to ensure that template instantiation isn’t causing performance bottlenecks.